
                      Aroe started out small on server 44 where he was taken in by some great people in an alliance called TheUnit. They were all bunched up together and were small in number but powerful. Having many friends in this alliance Aroe, known as Sire Ethan then, became part of a good family. One of his friends was known as Rogulis. He was perhaps, one of the most powerful on the server. He betrayed TheUnit and made his own alliance and attacked all of his previous alliance's members. Aroe was temporarily a spy in this alliance and reported back to TheUnit. Rogulis then expelled Aroe and attacked him and took over along with many other players.

                       Aroe then stayed off for a while due to the betrayal and not wanting hurt again, but later started on server 90. Aroe started an alliance named Ventus that Legacy decided to attack. Schizo, mother of all Legacy's, spared him and offered Aroe and his members a place in the Legacy family by creating Legacy4. Soon the new branch grew with Squishy as a temporary Host (he is now Host of Legacy3) and Aroe as a Vice-Host. Sqishy then left L4 as most of L4 went to L3 due to lack of members there. Aroe is now the faithful Host of L4 wtih many enemies and even more friends.

 You're free to visit and part of this site. It is designed only for the use of Legacy members so please do not advertise to people that aren't in Legacy.

 If anyone has any ideas to make this site better let Aroe know.

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